For one of our sessions we had to bring our parents along to participate and see how we learn and grow as writers. For this session our facilitator divided us into teams with each others parents and each team received a set of proverbs. We were asked to cut and past words/phrases from these proverbs and come up with our very own set of Proverbs.
Read on to see what we cam up with. Can you guess the original Proverbs?
The proof of the pudding is a joy forever.
The child is the king.
It's the early bird that wait for no man.
Mighty oaks from little acorns catches the worm.
A friend indeed saves time.
Team 2:
A friend in need is a joy forever.
Just before the dawn its the early bird that catches the worm.
A thing of beauty is the one eyed man.
The proof of the pudding always falls buttered side down.
In the kingdom of the blind blood is thicker than water.
Team 3:
Make hay just before the dawn.
The darkest hour is for no man.
It's the early bird that is a friend indeed.
A friend in need catches the worm.
A thing of beauty is in the eating.
Team 4:
No Man is the father oh the child.
Time and tide is a friend indeed.
The bread always falls while the sun shines.
The proof of the pudding is thicker than water.
Time and tide wait while the sun shines.
Team 5:
A thing of beauty is just before the dawn.
The child is a joy forever.
It's the early bird that wait for no man.
In the kingdom on the might oaks little acorns grow.
No man catches the worm in the darkest hour.
It's the early bird that catches the worm.