Monday, November 12, 2012

Snowballs and Diamonds

Imagine if Math was taught as Poetry! For this session our facilitator led us through the process of understanding different forms of poetry incorporating our knowledge of Math. We discussed the various forms and rules of poetry writing and the uses of following these rules.  After looking at various examples of diamante and snowball poem we thought of math concepts which can be employed to create form in poetry. 

Here is a shape poem by one of our classmate 

Poem- Snowball

So small
Gets so big
White, cold
Dangerous too
Guess who I am?
… A big snow ball!!
~ By Ira

Thursday, November 8, 2012

See Like You Never Saw!

Our individual personalities and memories shape the way we perceive the world. For this session our facilitator read and discussed a diverse selection of poems that explore the Point of View element in creative writing by encouraging us to develop new personae through cues and exercises, and record those memories and feelings that are closest to us.

My day at the sweet shop

I wandered of into the sweet shop
And there, right on the top
Was the yummiest sweet I saw-
They looked like bears
Yellow, green, red and blue
On big shelves set up by the sweet shop crew!
Right next to me
Was something that would last me a century!
A long big red rope
With colourful dots on it
Avoiding people’s feet- Oh what a task!
I got ready
For my long journey
To reach to the colourful bears
An hour or two later
I was standing right there!
I dived into the jar
Oh now please don’t disturb me,
I’m trying to have a feast!

  ~ By Ira